Braille Evangelism Bulletin
Since 1952 our organization has produced and distributed Bibles and Christian material in specialized formats of Braille, audio, and large print for people who are blind and visually impaired.
Faith is seeing light with your heart, when all your eyes see is darkness.

Greetings Friends,
These past two years have been difficult times. But perhaps, finally, there are signs of hope. We continue to be grateful for your generosity and support. The COVID-19 pandemic seems to be easing up and life seems to be getting back to a new normal. So many have been hoping and praying for a breakthrough when they would be free again. But from a faith perspective, isn’t that precisely the Easter story? Sometimes in life there are seemingly insurmountable barriers, walls of stone that are so high and wide that there seems to be no escape.
The Easter Good News asks us to reconsider the stone. On the first Easter morning, according to Mark’s detailed account, when the women disciples approached the tomb, “They were saying to one another, ‘Who will roll back the stone?’ But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had already been rolled back; it was very large.” When they looked in, they saw that the tomb was empty! And they were amazed! What happened to those first witnesses and then to the whole Christian community was what we celebrate with praise and thanksgiving as the first moment of Easter.
For a long time, I didn’t get it. I just assumed that the reason the angels rolled the big stone away was so that Jesus could get out of that tomb. But the truth I now know is that the stone was not moved away so Jesus could get out. It was so we could see in! Easter is seeing that where we expected to find death there is really new life. Easter is seeing with the eyes of faith, and then meeting the Risen Lord on the road, as the Emmaus story tells us.
This Lenten and Easter season, as the world struggles with so many nearly overwhelming threats to our way of life and our peace of mind, we are invited to find a quiet place in our hearts to meditate on the stone. As we wonder who will ever roll away the stone, we may be surprised and amazed to see that in God’s mysterious ways it has already happened. That the Risen Lord walking with us and the Spirit of God will show us the way.
By God’s grace, may this Easter be for all of us a remedy for our failures, a cause for new hope and a transformation into a deeper communion of love. We have been so blessed by God and you, our friends.
As you celebrate this Easter season, please prayerfully consider making a generous gift to Lutheran Braille Evangelism Association.
God bless you and your loved ones now and always!

Learn How Your Generosity Is Working
We have steadily been making additional audio Bible translations for the talking BibleCourier, increasing the number available from which users can choose – see list below.
This is tremendously valuable as our visually impaired BibleCourier users come from a spectrum of Christian faiths and span across the United States and several International Countries.
LBEA is a non-profit charitable ministry and is neither affiliated with nor funded by any church denomination. Our outreach depends entirely upon the gifts of individuals, congregations, and organizations for funding. I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting LBEA on an ongoing basis.
Again, thank you for your partnership in making a difference in so many people’s lives. We could not “Empower Lives with Sight for the Savior” without you!
Bible Translations Available for BibleCourier
Amplified Bible Classic Edition | International Children’s Bible | New Jerusalem Bible |
Amplified Bible Edition | King James Version | New King James |
American Standard Version | King James with Apocrypha | New Living Translation |
Bible in Basic English | The Message Bible | New Revised Standard |
Contemporary English Version | New American Standard – 1977 | New Revised Standard, Catholic |
Catholic Public Domain Version | New American Standard – 1995 | Revised Standard Version |
Christian Standard Bible | New American Standard – 2020 | Revised Standard with Apocrypha |
Evangelical Heritage Version | New English Translation | Today’s English Version |
English Standard Version | New International Version – 1984 | The Living Bible |
Good News Bible | New International Version – 2011 | Tree of Life Bible |
Holman Christian Standard Bible | New International Readers Version | World English Bible |
Ways to give to LBEA
Thank you for partnering with LBEA to meet the need for specialized services to people who are blind and visually impaired. To make a tax-deductible financial gift to LBEA:
Thrivent Choice | Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. No Transaction Fees.
When purchasing on-line through Amazon, please check out the option which gives a percentage to the LBEA ministry: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/41-0797729